Our Guiding Principles

Founded on Jesus Christ
At ITCE, all that we are and do is motivated by our love for Christ and desire to share His light and love with others.

Integration of faith and reason
We unceasingly seek the Truth wherever it may be found, confident that both faith and reason have their origin in the God who is One.

Collaboration and Community
We are committed to fostering community and collaboration with others who share our goals, our faith, and our passion for Catholic education, trusting that the Holy Spirit is at work through the various charisms He has given to us.

Respect for the dignity of all persons
We promote and respect the dignity of every human person made in the image and likeness of God and help each person to reach his or her highest potential.

Evangelization, catechesis, and apologetics
We propose the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness and beauty.

We freely share our gifts and our resources to serve Catholic school communities.

Fidelity to the magisterium
We are faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ as handed on by the Church and affirm those teachings in all our programs and services.

We strive to serve the highest cause, to seek the highest good, to follow the more excellent way, and to inspire others to do the same.

Reliance on divine grace
We know that God alone transforms our lives and, through us, brings about the transformation of the world. The work of renewal and transformation is His and we are privileged to be His co-workers.