Our Team

Daryl Hagan, Ed.D.
Director, ITCE
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Education
Daryl is the founding chairman of the Indiana Catholic Schools Consortium and has served as President of the Board of Directors for the Indiana Non-Public Education Association. His published research and passion is about engaging Catholic educators to promote and enhance authentic Catholic identity and school improvement. His first book, Communion and Community: 46 Ways to Engage Catholic School Faculty and Staff During the School Year, was published in 2023.
He holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership from Western Kentucky University, an M.A. in Instructional Leadership from Western Kentucky University, an M.A. in Elementary Education from Murray State University, and a B.A. in Elementary Education from the University of Southern Indiana.
Daryl is married to Jill Mattingly Hagan and they have two children, Maxx and Maggie; a daughter-in-law, Lauren; and three grandchildren, Lily, John, and Thomas.

Andrew Kremer, Ph.D.
Director, Program of Accreditation
Dr. Andrew Kremer has served as a diocesan leader, school administrator, teacher, and coach in his vocation as a Catholic educator. He currently serves as the Director of the Program of Accreditation at The Catholic University of America. He began his career as a teacher and coach in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Kremer then transitioned to the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana as an assistant principal and head football coach at Guerin Catholic High School in Noblesville, Indiana. In 2018 he accepted the role of Associate Superintendent of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana and in December of 2021 was named the Interim Superintendent of Schools. Dr. Kremer has served as the vice chair of the Indiana Catholic Schools Consortium, a member of the board of the Indiana Non-public Education Association, and he currently serves on the executive committee of CHESCS (Catholic Higher Education Supporting Catholic Schools) and on the board of the Virginia Council for Private Education.
Dr. Kremer has a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership from Liberty University; his dissertation research explored how Catholic school leaders use the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Schools (NSBECS) as a framework for accreditation. He also has a M.S. in Educational Leadership from the University of Dayton, and a B.A. in Secondary Education from Indiana University, Indianapolis.
Andrew lives in Fishers, Indiana with his wife Nikki and their two children, Riley and Easton.

Todd Sweda, Ed.D.
Associate Director, Program of Accreditation
Dr. Sweda’s life-long commitment to the ministry of Catholic education includes service as an instructor, dean, advancement officer, principal, associate head of school, and president. For the past five years he served as Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Prior to that position, he served as president of Archbishop Hoban High School. His previous Catholic school teaching and administrative appointments were at Gilmour Academy and Georgetown Preparatory School.
Todd has served on numerous accreditation and sponsorship teams and has consulted on board development issues. He co-founded the Central Southern Catholic School Superintendents Association and serves as a presenter and on the planning committee for the national Virtual Board Development Series for Catholic schools. His university teaching includes areas of school leadership and operational vitality.
He holds the Ed.D. degree in Educational Leadership, Management, and Policy from Seton Hall University, an M.A.L.S. in the humanities from Georgetown University, and a B.A. in English from Wittenberg University.

Keelan Huzovic
Administrative Assistant, ITCE
Keelan graduated with a B.A. in English from Davidson College in 2019 and has since pursued a variety of roles. From working a seasonal job as a backpacking instructor to coordinating events for a development office and a farm and, most recently, to serving as a Campus Minister at a local high school, she is now excited to combine all she learned from those experiences in her work at ITCE.
Keelan calls Baltimore, Maryland home, where she was blessed to attend a Catholic high school. She now resides just north of Washington, D.C., where she enjoys spending time with friends and exploring creation.

Jordan Blackwell
Jordan is a native Washingtonian and has lived in the Brookland/Catholic University area all his life. At a young age, Jordan was heavily influenced by his grandfather’s service to the community and to the Catholic Church as a Deacon of St. Francis de Sales Church in N.E. Washington, DC. Jordan attended DC Catholic elementary schools, graduated from Archbishop Carroll High School, and attended The Catholic University of America, where he continues to take classes to advance his education and career. Jordan still lives in Washington DC, where he and his wife are raising their daughter and son.